UAE Golden Visa : How to Apply for Golden Visa UAE

If you are looking to obtain the UAE golden visa, then you are in the right place. Company setup Consultants will help you obtain the Golden Visa UAE within the shortest time possible given that you meet the requirements. Contact us today and get started immediately.

The UAE Golden Visa program was launched in 2019 to attract talents from every corner of the world to the UAE. Its main goal is to make the UAE an ideal location for people from all over the world to work and live in. Some recent amendments to existing laws also ensure that foreigners can own 100% of their businesses without the aid of a local sponsor. This combined with the long-term residency provided by the golden visa makes UAE the perfect spot for working and living.

The golden visa UAE allows residency for 5 or 10 years. Previously, no such long-term residency visa existed in the UAE. On top of that, the golden visa is renewed automatically upon expiration. This makes it perfect for people with a long-term plan for their business, career, or life in the UAE. Investors, entrepreneurs, talented researchers, and students can obtain the golden visa for staying in the UAE permanently.

The requirement for the golden visa differs depending on whether you are an investor, an entrepreneur, or a student. It also differs depending on whether you are going for the 5 years golden visa, or the 10 years golden visa.

Golden Visa UAE Benefits

  • Long term residency in the UAE
  • Access to world class medical and healthcare facilities
  • Unique opportunity to settle in the GCC
  • Excellent schools and Universities
  • Abundant business opportunities
  • Travel to several countries visa-free
Who can Apply for Golden Visa UAE?

This is an extraordinary opportunity for experienced professionals across different industries to establish and expand effectively in the UAE. With the aim to enhance the business ecosystem in the UAE, Golden Visa can be granted to the following members:

Golden Visa UAE for Entrepreneurs

The members of this category must have a minimum capital of AED 500,000 or have been approved by any UAE accredited business incubators Some accredited business incubators include AREA 2071, HUB71 etc. Entrepreneurs can be eligible for a 5-year residence Golden visa in the UAE with the permission to sponsor spouse, children, partner or executives.

Golden Visa UAE for investors

This type of investors include individuals who have public investments of at least AED 10 million. Types of public investments could include investments in funds inside the UAE, or ownership of an established company with a capital of minimum AED 10 million. Investors included in this criteria are eligible for a 10 years Golden Visa. However, the investment amount cannot be loaned and must be held for a minimum of 3 years for the investor to be eligible.

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