Growth capital Firms

At the Catalyst Group, we believe long-term partnerships with business owners, entrepreneurs and employees produce the greatest outcomes. We are more than capital providers. We work closely with management teams to develop and execute strategic plans which drive operational excellence and

The Catalyst Group, a growth equity firms based in Houston, places a strong focus on the technology sector, especially software and hardware. The growth capital firms invest in established companies that show growth potential but lack access to traditional types of funding such as bank loans.

In contrast to venture capitalists who put money into early stage start-ups with high growth potentials, growth equity funds place their bets on existing companies that require further investments for expansion purposes. Growth capital financing entails the acquisition of those established companies that have been able to acquire an impressive set of assets within a short span of time. In fact, growth equity investors consider a company's ability to expand its market share in addition to increasing production figures in terms of revenue generation when gauging overall growth potential of a company. The growth equity investing environment is characterized more by stability and growth rather than risk taking behavior.

In addition, growth capital firms make use of the same strategies as growth equity investors in order to achieve their business goals. In case you are interested to invest your money into growth equity investment, it would be advisable for you to get in touch with some growth equity funds. Using traditional methods of research such as making phone calls and conducting interviews regarding the performance history of a firm is a feasible option on your part when attempting to identify the top growth equity funds out there in the market.

As growth equity funds remain mindful of the opportunities that can be gained through growth capital investing, they place a strong emphasis on nurturing and developing business partnerships with an aim to sharing mutual growth objectives. Once you have set your eyes on growth equity investment, all you need is to invest in growth equity firms.

Growth equity firms seek growth equity investment from individual investors and growth capital funds. As growth equity companies place a greater emphasis on growth over financial results, growth capital firms tend to have a history of being more profitable than their growth equity counterparts. In general, growth capital investing entails the acquisition of an existing firm in order to use its assets in support of growth objectives.

Thus, growth equity investors prefer investments in public companies with solid performance records instead of making bets on obscure start-ups that are largely untested when it comes to revenue generation metrics. Unlike venture capitalists who take risks when selecting start-up targets that show tremendous potential for high growth in terms of revenues, growth equity fund managers target established businesses that require further investments in order to expand market share and production figures.

In addition, growth capital firms pay keen attention to growth potential of a business in the long-term instead of engaging in short term financial trading activities that growth equity investors are known for. While growth equity funds have been known to generate impressive growth figures over the years, growth capital has been able to perform better than growth equity when it comes to profitability margins. Once you have decided on growth equity investment, all you need is to choose between growth equity firms and venture capitalist organizations. The right choice should be growth equity firms based on what you have read here so far.

As far as growth capital investing goes, the market value of a company determines its popularity amongst both individual investors and professional growth capital firms operating in growth equity investment. If you are interested in growth capital investing, it would be advisable for you to contact growth capital funds. However,growth capital do not hand out investment money to its clients but seek growth equity investments from individual investors and growth capital firms.

Thus, growth equity investors tend to have a great degree of flexibility in terms of their selection criteria when gauging potential growth prospects in the market. In general, growth equity fund managers strive to find companies that can generate impressive growth figures within a short span of time thus making them highly profitable for growth capital investors who focus on long term growth rather than short term financial gains. Thus, venture capitalist organizations are well known for extensive research efforts when seeking investment opportunities in start-ups operating in the growth equity sector.