Why Should You Hire Fire Eaters And Fire Performers Instead Of Fireworks At Your Wedding?

A firework finale is a popular choice for couples searching for something unique and different for their wedding festivities. The primary issue is that because so many couples are doing it now, it is no longer distinctive or different. In fact, it has gotten more commonplace. Why not hire

Why Should You Hire Fire Eaters And Fire Performers Instead Of Fireworks At Your Wedding?


A firework finale is a popular choice for couples searching for something unique and different for their wedding festivities. The primary issue is that because so many couples are doing it now, it is no longer distinctive or different. In fact, it has gotten more commonplace. Why not hire fire eaters or fire performers to provide the wow factor for your guests while also adding a distinctive touch to your big day that will remain in their memories for a long time?

Fire performers is a broad phrase that encompasses a wide range of abilities. A fire performer could be a fire juggling, a fire eater, a body burner, or a fire hoopla, for example. The list of abilities goes on and on. These talents are frequently combined into a choreographed routine that lasts anywhere from 20 to 25 minutes, depending on crowd engagement and the number of fire skills included and exhibited. Fire eaters and performers make wonderful ambient or freestyle performers as background entertainment, in addition to putting on a fire show. When used as a meet and greet for attendees as they arrive at your venue, this may be quite effective.

Another element that distinguishes this style of entertainment from regular fireworks is that the artist interacts with the audience. A competent fire performer can thrill the audience and make them feel like they are practically a part of the event by using patter and banter. They'll employ a combination of comedy, expertise, and even pyrotechnics to ensure that even the most ardent of onlookers has a good time.

Fire eaters and fire performance acts are usually accessible as individual performers or as part of a larger group. A solitary performer is good for smaller crowds, but if you want something more spectacular (for example, at a major corporate event or gathering), a group of synchronised fire artists adds a lot to any event A fire performer will normally be totally self-contained for smaller events, with a tiny battery-operated PA and a headset microphone . For larger occasions, however, a group ensemble will usually be able to provide their own soundtrack, but they may require a PA and CD player to amplify the music.

Last but not least, and perhaps most importantly, hiring fireworks for a wedding necessitates a significant amount of effort. The surrounding areas must be verified, and all licences and maps must be signed. When you engage fire eaters or fire performers, however, all you have to do is provide them with the necessary insurance certificates and a risk assessment. It would be as simple as that if your venue allows you to utilise them on the grounds! So, in short, fire eaters and fire performer's Performances endure longer than fireworks, are easier to include into your big day, are less expensive, are participatory, and will make your day truly memorable.

Please contact us if you would want to rent something unusual for your wedding or celebration, or if you would like to explore your wedding entertainment options. We'd also be pleased to talk about your needs for fire eaters and performers, who can perform alone or as part of an ensemble. Please do not hesitate to contact us today for no-obligation assistance and advice