Healy Device

The Healy is a medical gadget that attaches to the wearer's clothes. Electrodes worn on the wrist clipped to the ear or briefly connected to the skin using adhesive interact with the body.

Its functioning is controlled by a software program loaded on a smartphone through Bluetooth. Healy World stated in 2020 that multilevel retailing of Healy materials would commence in the United States.


History of the Situation


Bioresonance treatment is based on the idea that (a) each cell in the body has its electromagnetic frequency and (b) illnesses may be treated by correcting aberrant frequencies via different methods. Albert Abrams, M.D. (1864-1924), dubbed the "dean of gadget quacks" by the American Medical Association, was the first to exploit the notion that illnesses might be treated by radiofrequency radiation. Royal Rife claimed in the 1920s and 1930s that his inventions had created a gadget that could kill germs by vibrating at their "resonant frequency." Rife derivatives are still available for purchase to curious about Healy.

Each of the 100 trillion cells that make up the human body needs appropriate cell voltage to remain alive. According to quantum physics, there is no distinction between energy and matter. As a result, we are nothing more than energy. Everything inside us, according to quantum physics, is the consequence of motion-creating resonance. Therefore, knowing how subtle energy drives and sustains humans' health and well-being requires an understanding of resonance.

Imagine a wearable device intended for complete health, both inside and out, and that can help with dynamic shortcomings by regulating cell communication and boosting cellular energy (ATP) by 500%. We can return the body to equilibrium by doing so (balance). Our cells interact continuously via resonance frequency, similar to how you tune your radio or television to a particular channel. The difference between tuning to 102.3 or 102.4 is between a clear signal and a static signal (signal disruptor). The resonance is where the magic happens.

Your cells, like everything else, function as transmitters and receivers. The way your cells send and receive information is critical, and their signaling may directly affect your health. In the same way that a negative signal may be deliberately disrupted by a destructive lifestyle, environmental conditions, and other reasons, a positive sign can be actively disrupted (symptomatic poor health). Thus, focusing on proper frequency communication between cell functions may have unimaginable effects on your health, energy, and cognition.