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For those of you who are unfamiliar with the latest version of Diablo 2, 1.13 Battle.net will be quite different than what you may be used to and I wanted to go over some things that may help you adjust and get up and running with this new update for your favorite game quickly and efficien

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For those of you who are unfamiliar with the latest version of Diablo 2, 1.13 Battle.net will be quite different than what you may be used to and I wanted to go over some things that may help you adjust and get up and running with this new update for your favorite game quickly and efficiently.So, I'll start off by explaining a little about what Battle.net is:Battle. net is the central hub that holds all of your gaming activities for all Blizzard products. It is the place where you do things like chat with friends, participate in forums, buy/sell/trade items and participate in games with other players over the internet.Now, I'm sure by now you've heard about some of the changes that come with Diablo 2 on 1.13 so I'll go over some of those here:

New Features & Additions:

Diablo II's interface has been revamped to create a more user-friendly environment. The "chat" menu has been separated from the "social" menu and now has its own interface panel where it can be customized separately from other social menus. There are now three ways to select the options in the chat menu:You can now use the "Select" key on your keyboard to select options in the chat menu. You can now hold down your "Shift" or "Alt" key and press a letter on your keyboard to make it easier to select options without keeping track of multiple keys. You can still use both Shift and Alt, but to minimize keystrokes you may want to only use Shift or Alt for selecting options.Players no longer have a permanent Sys Info tab in their stats screen. Instead, they get a Sys Info tab that only comes up when they click on the Social button. This allows the social menu to be more compact and still present all of your Sys Info information at a glance.The realm name is now displayed in the window titlebar instead of "Game: Your Character Name" (for Windows) and displaying the server's hostname (for Mac).If you click on a player's portrait or use right-click on their name in chat, you can whisper or open a trade window with them without having to go to their character page first. Dead characters will now have a timer over their corpses while they are dead so you know how long they have been gone. You can also use this option to quickly check the status of other players in the game without having to target them.Inventory management has been improved by adding a "Stack Together" option where white items will drop from your inventory into stack form when it's possible to do so. For items that cannot be stacked, a "Drop Item Here" option has been added which drops all of your selected items on one spot on the ground instead of dropping each item individually.


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