
Mechanical engineering is a massive discipline that can be boiled down to this: we apply science to solve real-world problems.

Mechanical engineering is a massive discipline that can be boiled down to this: we apply science to solve real-world problems. Through a defined process, we use a range of tools to assess risk and safely develop an array of products, devices and systems. If you look around the room you're in, almost every physical object was likely designed by an engineer at some stage. If the device has circuitry, or moving parts, or heating elements, or you just want it to last longer than a day, you almost certainly need it to be engineered! At SBD we believe design and engineering should be done concurrently, like one continuous project. The benefit of this approach is that many different objectives of the project and the design are all taken into consideration throughout the process. Here at SBD, the following process is considered for product development.

Source: Mechanical engineering experts