WoW TBC Phase 2 Release Date News: WoW Fresh Before Burning Crusade Phase 2? | Gaming | Entertainment

WoW TBC Phase 2 Release Date News: WoW Fresh Before Burning Crusade Phase 2? | Gaming | Entertainment

While fans wait on the next big announcement from Blizzard concerning WoW TBC Phase 2, there has been growing speculation regarding other areas of the Classic experience.
Having proven so popular when it arrived in 2019, most WoW Classic realms have moved over to The Burning tbc classic gold
And with Phase 2 of the WoW Classic TBC expected to arrive soon, it’s hard to see a lot of players returning to the base experience.
That was until Blizzard launched a new public test realm of World of Warcraft Classic, featuring Phase One raid content.
This doesn’t mean that the World of Warcraft Classic team are looking to launch new servers that would allow fans to begin again in Azeroth.
But based on fan reaction, there is a good chance that something like this would be well-received.
Discussing the new online, fans have shared their own reactions, with one positively posting:
“I played OG vanilla, vanilla private servers, and classic when it came out. While I’m enjoying TBC as it’s my favourite expansion, I would certainly play fresh if it came out while I’m raid logged in TBC.

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