Breast augmentation surgery - Enhance your beauty and self-confidence

Breast augmentation is usually performed using silicone gel implants, which are placed under the breast tissue or muscle. The procedure can be done as an outpatient procedure, or with an overnight stay in the hospital.

Gummy bear implants

Gummy bear implants are a newer type of breast implant that are said to provide a more natural look and feel than traditional implants. They are made of a silicone gel that is said to be closer in consistency to human fat, which gives them a softer, more natural feel. Gummy bear implants are also said to be less likely to rupture or leak than traditional implants.

Subpectoral implants

Breast augmentation with subpectoral implants is a popular choice for many women looking to improve their appearance. This type of surgery involves placing implants underneath the chest muscles, which provides a number of benefits. First, it can help to create a more natural look, as the implants are hidden beneath the muscles. Second, it can help to improve the shape of the ******* and create a more lifted appearance. Third, it can help to reduce the risk of complications such as capsular contracture. Finally, it can help to increase the long-term stability of the implants.

Transumbilical implants

Transumbilical breast augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery that involves placing implants through an incision in the belly button. This technique is less invasive than other methods of breast augmentation, and can result in a shorter recovery period. Transumbilical implants can be used to increase breast size, improve breast symmetry, and restore volume after weight loss or pregnancy. If you are considering transumbilical breast augmentation, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience with this procedure.

Transaxillary implants

Transaxillary implants are a type of breast augmentation surgery where the implants are placed through an incision in the armpit. This approach is less invasive than other types of breast augmentation surgery and can result in less scarring. Transaxillary implants can be placed either above or below the muscle, depending on the patient's preferences and the surgeon's recommendation. This type of surgery can be a good option for patients who are looking for a relatively small increase in breast size.

Subglandular implants

Subglandular implants are breast implants that are placed underneath the breast tissue, but above the pectoral muscle. This type of implant is often chosen for women who have a good amount of natural breast tissue, as it can provide a more natural look and feel. Additionally, subglandular implants tend to be less expensive than other types of implants.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants are the most popular type of breast implants used today. They are made of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel or saline (salt water). Silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue than saline implants.

Silicone implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The size and shape of the implants will be determined by your plastic surgeon based on your desired look and the amount of natural breast tissue you have.

If you are considering breast augmentation, be sure to discuss all of your options with your plastic surgeon.

Saline implants

Saline implants are the most popular type of breast implant used for breast augmentation. They are made of a silicone outer shell filled with sterile salt water (saline). Saline implants are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than other types of implants. They also have the advantage of being able to be filled to different sizes after they are inserted, which gives the surgeon more control over the final size and shape of the breast.

Periareolar incision

A periareolar incision is a small incision made around the border of the areola, the dark area around the nipple. This type of incision is often used for breast augmentation, as it allows the surgeon to insert the implant through a small opening and then position it correctly. The incision is usually well hidden in the natural crease between the areola and the breast, and it usually heals very well. There is also a lower risk of capsular contracture with this type of incision, which is a complication that can occur after breast augmentation.

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